Home » CaR Conversational – The PlayStation 4

CaR Conversational – The PlayStation 4

Here’s the first of our Cane and Rinse Conversationals, where members of the C&R community discuss their thoughts about the wonderful world of videogames, starting off with the newly announced PlayStation 4.


As something of an experiment and potentially something we would like to open up to anyone who can record themselves in conversation. We have recorded a casual Skype chat where Jay Taylor (JaySevenZero), James Carter (iwatttfodiwwfa) and Michael Ledward (mikeleddy83) discuss the Sony presentation that took place on the 22nd Feb. 2013.



The idea behind this is to have casually recorded Skype conversations whenever it suits and post them up on both the forum and blog, not as official podcasts but as little supplemental audio extras. The intention is also for these not just to be made exclusively by the team but by anyone in the community who has the ability to record a conversation. The only stipulation is that they must be about video games, but this can encompass any aspect of them that they wish to discuss. If anyone is interested in doing this then send me a PM via this forum and I tell you what we’ll need to make it happen.

Be aware that this is not a podcast and is only only available via the player below, or alternatively can be downloaded as a standard mp3 by using the download link below the player.

The opening theme for anyone who might be interested is from the track I Am Right and the closing piece of music is from the track Funky Junky both by Yumi Yumi from the album Alchemy. Both tracks used with permission courtesy of Kaori Tsuchida.

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