Home » Cane & Rinse on Metro GameCentral (Again!)

Cane & Rinse on Metro GameCentral (Again!)

Cane And Rinse is still one of “The World’s Best Videogames Podcasts”, according to this reader-submitted article which appeared on Metro’s GameCentral last Saturday (6th October). Our thanks to author Angry_Cadaver for putting us alongside several of our friends and peers.

I wrote a reader’s feature back in February about the podcasts I had been regularly listening to. I started listening to podcasts in September last year and mostly listened to the major sites’ offerings – IGN, Giant Bomb, MSN, etc.

However, whilst the major sites still produce enjoyable podcasts, I have since become solely interested in the thriving independent* podcast scene. These podcasts are created and hosted by people passionate about gaming who, despite having full-time jobs and lives to live, put in a tremendous amount of effort and skill into recording and then editing weekly or fortnightly shows. It is a fantastic commitment and the podcasts are always produced to a professional standard.

Read more: The World’s Best Video Game Podcasts, part 2

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