Home » Diddy Kong Racing: Alakazoo, this is for you

Diddy Kong Racing: Alakazoo, this is for you

Darren Gargette travels back in time, not literally, to revisit rare’s beloved N64 classic Diddy Kong Racing from Christmas 1997.

Does it hold up after years of countless mascot themed racing games? Kong and have a look. Eurgh.

Darren owns the original PAL N64 cartridge but is capturing the game emulated on PC here.


  1. It *did* have the best multiplayer mode Darren, because it had co-op and co-op is king.
    Spent hours upon hours with a friend going through the story in this game, one driving forwards and the other working as a bumper, trying to take out the opposition. It’s great times and memories like those that make this the greatest kart racer of all time for me.

  2. 47 Gold & 47 Platinum balloons here. Proud.

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