Home » Gargette Vs … Nidhogg

Gargette Vs … Nidhogg

In a regular series of videos, Darren Gargette (the Orange Dude) will play random and not-so random people from the internet at a best of 5 (or 3) in the fencing, tug-of-war phenomenon that is Nidhogg.

The goal is to kill the opponent which grants you access to the next screen which is indicated by the GO arrow in the top corners. However, it’s not that simple as I’ll be up against an opponent which will keep spawning in front of me to prevent me from achieving my goal: To be eaten by the Nidhogg.

Commentary and other such fancy tweaks to come, this is just a prototype. Thanks for watching!

Our ‘dezm0nd’ has been playing some games of Nidhogg. See how he got on over on the Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.

If you like these videos you can find many more (plus a few other bits and bobs) over on the Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.

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