Home » Minecraft co-op Quick Rinse – Fighting Creepers with cake

Minecraft co-op Quick Rinse – Fighting Creepers with cake

Minecraft claims two more victims as Josh pops round for cake at Darren’s crib, but Darren has other plans, luring him first to his secret underground lair and ultimately through a mysterious and sinister portal.

Josh and Darren are playing the multimillion selling Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition.

This Quick Rinse ties in with issue 89 of the Cane and Rinse podcast: http://caneandrinse.com/minecraft-cane-rinse-89/

If you like these Quick Rinse videos you can find many more (plus a few other bits and bobs) over on the Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.


  1. That was so much fun, guys! Thanks for the tour of Minecraft, cake and Hell.

  2. Darren Gargette

    Was an incredible amount of fun making Josh terribly scared of demons beyond the portal.

  3. Great video guys, most amusing!
    As you were playing on the 360 version of Minecraft, does this mean Mr Gargette has renewed his XBL Gold subscription too?

  4. Nah, I was rewarded a free month from Raptr and I also have a couple of free 2 day Gold codes lying around. Not paid a penny for XBL since that article went up.

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