Home » Sound of Play 214: OverClocked Remix
overclocked remix
Sound of Play

Sound of Play 214: OverClocked Remix

What we aim to bring you with Sound of Play is a diverse sample of some of our favourite pieces from the many air-punching, spine-tingling, tear-jerking and grin-inducing videogame soundtracks we’ve heard over the years.

Joining Leon Cox in Sound of Play 214 are David W. Lloyd and Larry Oji, the founder and community manager respectively of OverClocked ReMix, the non-commercial organization dedicated to preserving and paying tribute to videogame music


Music used in this podcast:

1. All the World in One Girl by Kenji Yamamoto – OCR by The Wingless – Super Metroid, 1994/2003

2. Consent (Make me Dance) by Yuzo Koshiro – OCR by djpretzel – The Super Shinobi, 1989/2004

3. Burn Baby Burn by Katsuhiro Hayashi – OCR by Juan Medrano – Super Hang-On, 1987/2008

4. Ragol Weather by Fumie Kumatani – OCR by zircon – Phantasy Star Online, 2000/2009

5. One-Hit KO (Bye Esaka Mix) by Iku Mizutani/Makoto Suehiro/Tasuku Mizutani/Tetsuhiro Ogawa/Tomonao Niiya/Toshihiko Hiraguchi – OCR by WillRock – 2010/2013

6. Street Fighter or Streetest Fighter? by Naoshi Mizuta – OCR by BONKERS Street Fighter Zero – 1995/2014

7. A Blue-Green Color by Masato Nakamura – OCR by metaphist – Sonic the Hedgehog, 1991/2015

8. Please, please make it rain… by Koji Kondo – OCR by Benjaipod – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 1998/2016

9. IR-Type by Chris Huelsbeck/Ramiro Vaca – OCR by Instant Remedy – R-Type, 1988/2016

10. Cannon Straits by Jon Hare/Richard Joseph – OCR by fredrikd – Cannon Fodder, 1993/2013

Sound of Play 214 was edited by Jay Taylor

Remember, it’s not just about what we like, so venture over to our forum at caneandrinse.com and put forward your own suggestions so that we might include them in future shows.

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