“That’s enough out of you, Sparkles.”
Not D-pads nor analogue sticks but styluses. Or should that be stylii? Either way, a contentious change of control method as we conclude the first year of our complete run through of Zelda reviews with The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Leon, Josh and Leah discuss Daiki Iwamoto’s directorial debut, including – of course – its innovative but controversial conceit of a repeating ‘central’ dungeon. We also hear from the ever-reliable Cane and Rinse community and discover that, as with every other game in the series, opinions are spread wide.
Music used in this issue:
1: Set Sail for Adventure (Title Theme) by Kenta Nagata/Toru Minegishi.
2: Linebeck’s Theme by Kenta Nagata/Toru Minegishi.
Cane and Rinse 249 was edited by Ryan Hamann (@InsrtCoins).
Do you have an opinion about a game we’re covering that you’d like read out on the podcast? Then venture over to our forum and check out the list of upcoming games we’re covering. Whilst there you can join in the conversations with our friendly community in discussing all things relating to videogames, along with lots of other stuff too. Sound good? Then come and say hello at The Cane and Rinse forum
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