Home » Play;Write 111 – Cause/Effect (2019), Memories of Orion, Perceptivve

Play;Write 111 – Cause/Effect (2019), Memories of Orion, Perceptivve

Play;Write is a podcast about creating and sharing new ways to play. We workshop seedlings of ideas for videogames in hopes of coming up with something timeless. It’s not just about us, though! Join in the conversation! Pitch your own game ideas to be read and explored on air on our website at www.playwritecast.com, tweet us @playwritecast, or email us at playwritecast@gmail.com.

In this episode of the podcast, Ryan Hamann (@InsrtCoins) and Ryan Quintal (@ryanquintal) are joined by member of the Cane and Rinse team, Jacob Geller (@yacobg42) to flip between console generations, research family history, and mess with your reaction time.


Our theme song is “Hello World.” by PROTODOME from the album BLUENOISE.

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