Home » Portal 2 – Cane and Rinse No.130
portal 2
Cane and Rinse Vol. 3

Portal 2 – Cane and Rinse No.130

“Oh, hey. Hiya, pretty lady. Name’s Rick. So, you out having yourself a little adventure?”

Leon, Tony, James and Josh awake after 999999 days of suspended animation to cast their eyes (and an amalgam of mysterious gels) over the rusting carcass of Aperture Science’s giant, upside-down facility. Valve’s Portal 2 was met with widespread acclaim upon its release in 2011, can we agree on whether or not time has been kind to Chell, Wheatley, GLaDOS and Cave Johnson… for science..?

Music used in this issue:

1: Science is Fun by Mike Morasky
2: Want You Gone by Jonathan Coulton, vocals by GLaDOS (Ellen McLain)

Cane and Rinse 130 was edited by Sean O’Brien

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In this Quick Rinse Darren G tries to explain the basics of the portal mechanics and has a merry little laugh on his way through chapter two of Portal 2:

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