Home » R-Type and R-Type II – Cane and Rinse No.276
Cane and Rinse Vol. 6

R-Type and R-Type II – Cane and Rinse No.276

1987: Inspired by Aliens and Gradius, a compact but crack team at Irem produced a horizontally scrolling shoot-’em up that would become a genre icon, R-Type. Leon, Michiel and returning guest Dan Clark consider what made R-Type – along with its litany of remarkable home conversions – such a Force to be reckoned with. The panel – along with Cane and Rinse community correspondents also return to the tough as old boots sequel R-Type II, as well as its remixed but slowdown-plagued SNES counterpart, Super R-Type.

Music used in this issue:

1. Opening Battle Theme by Masahito Ishizaki.
2. Nameless Soldiers by Masahiko Ishida.

Cane and Rinse 276 was edited by Sean O’Brien (@Xer0Signal).

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