Home » Sound of Play: 126 – The videogame music podcast
Sound of Play

Sound of Play: 126 – The videogame music podcast

What we aim to bring you with Sound of Play is a diverse sample of some of our favourite pieces from the many air-punching, spine-tingling, tear-jerking and grin-inducing videogame soundtracks we’ve heard over the years.

Ryan Hamann (@InsrtCoins) goes it alone for his final Sound of Play for 2017 with an epic medley of videogame music from the year 2017.

You can download a higher bitrate version of the medley from here:


Sound of Play: 126 was edited by Ryan Hamann (@InsrtCoins)

Remember, it’s not just about what we like, so venture over to our forum at caneandrinse.com and put forward your own suggestions so that we might include them in future shows.

For those of you who prefer something more visual, here’s Ryan’s video to accompany this particular Sound of Play

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