Home » Sound of Play: 2018 Special
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Sound of Play

Sound of Play: 2018 Special

This year, the Cane and Rinse and Sound of Play team bring you a musical collage — a constellation of audio memories from the year 2018. Rediscover favourites from 2018 or encounter tunes for the first time. This mix contains excerpts from 151 of the year’s games.

We challenge you to test your knowledge of video game music by trying to identify all of the games included within, and you can collaborate with members of our community by sharing your knowledge at caneandrinse.com/forum. On December 30th, a video revealing the identity of each game included will be posted on the Cane and Rinse YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/Md9_4uUiFzM.

You can download a high-quality version of this mix at https://soundcloud.com/insrtcoins/2018-in-video-game-music/s-YN15Q

2018 in Video Game Music was created, hosted, and edited by Ryan Hamann (@InsrtCoins).

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