Home » Star Wars (1983) – Cane and Rinse No.562
Cane and Rinse Vol. 12

Star Wars (1983) – Cane and Rinse No.562

“The Force will be with you. Always.”

For the first time in its 11 plus year history, Cane and Rinse covers a game based upon the popular space opera franchise, Star Wars. Leon, Chris Worthington, Tony and guest Dean Swain of The Retro Asylum podcast climb into the less than comfy X-Wing cockpit for a blast of Atari’s 1983 vector graphics arcade smash. As usual the panel and community contributors attempt to sum up what made the experience so special 40 years ago, but also discuss which aspects of the game hold up to this day – as well as a look at the myriad conversions, ports and emulations that allowed folks to ‘be’ Luke Skywalker in the comfort of their own bedrooms.


Edit by Jay Taylor

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