Home » The Sausage Factory Episode 46: State of Play Games
The Sausage Factory

The Sausage Factory Episode 46: State of Play Games

Show host Chris ORegan chats to Katherine Bidwell, the director of State of Play Games the maker of Lumino City.

The reappearance of point of click adventure games has been a welcome one and there is a veritable plethora of titles that have appeared over the past five years and Lumino City is a welcome addition to this style of game. A sequel to Lume, Lumino City sports a unique graphical style as it is based on hand made objects that have computer animation super imposed onto them. A developer that started out making Flash based games for various companies until they started releasing their own game, Headspin Storybook on iOS platform. Topics covered in this episode include the reason why point and click adventures faded away in the late 1990s and how Blizzard made its name making a very unique role based platformer game on the Megadrive and the Amiga.


The Sausage Factory 46 was edited by Chris O’Regan

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