James Carter harks at the importance of the use of sound in the BioShock games. Listening to the gentle click-clack of my keyboard as I […]
Tag: BioShock Infinite
BioShock Infinite – Cane and Rinse No.310
“It would seem the universe does not like its peas mixed with its porridge.” Comstock’s corrupt Columbia is the Cane and Rinse collective’s destination in […]
Joshua Garrity’s favourite videogame experiences of 2013
Josh takes a look at some of his favourite videogame experiences of 2013. Despite what the title might suggest, this isn’t a game of the […]
Games have grown up, so have we
Remember the days when a game like Final Fantasy 7 was held up as a great example of storytelling? Such a thought seems baffling now. […]
2012: Bring It On – Part Two
So we return to Wild Speculation Corner, where this week I’ll round up a few of the other incoming games of 2012 that for whatever […]