Home » The Sausage Factory: 437 – The Last Worker by Wolf & Wood Interactive
the last worker
The Sausage Factory

The Sausage Factory: 437 – The Last Worker by Wolf & Wood Interactive

Chris O’Regan interviews Ryan Bousfield of Wolf & Wood and asks them about the design and development of their warehouse bound adventure game, The Last Worker.


Music featured is by Oliver Kraus and can be bought from here:

1. Kurt
2. Hoverbird
3. The Farm

The Sausage Factory 437 was edited by Chris O’Regan

The Sausage Factory is an interview-based podcast that lifts the lid on the makers of videogames. It examines the way in which games are made by asking the very people who create them, though the questions asked aren’t just about game design, they also cover how developers made their start and what inspires them as creators.

Split into two halves, the first segment delves into what makes the developers tick by asking about how they started, what and who inspires them and what games they are currently playing, whereas the second part of the show covers the game that they are currently working on and the thought processes behind its development. So, if you really want to hear about a game’s gestation in full and frank detail then you have found the right podcast.

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