Home » The Sausage Factory Episode 33: Turtle Sandbox
The Sausage Factory

The Sausage Factory Episode 33: Turtle Sandbox

Chris O’Regan encountered Cannon Brawl at PAX Prime 2014 where he asked the developers, Theresa Duringer and Peter Angstadt to come onto the podcast, and here they are.

Turtle Sandbox is made up of two people, Theresa Duringer and Peter Angstadt both veterans of the video game industry as they worked for Maxis on titles like Spore and Sim City. They set up Turtle Sandbox to strike out on their own and their first title is Cannon Brawl the 2 player 2D RTS game featuring the firing of cannons. Show host Chris O’Regan encountered Cannon Brawl at PAX Prime 2014 where he asked the developers to come onto the podcast, and here they are. Much is spoken about including Race for the Galaxy, XCOM, Ascension and of course Cannon Brawl.


The Sausage Factory 33 was edited by Chris O’Regan

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