Home » ADR1FT Quick Rinse

ADR1FT Quick Rinse

Ryan goes a bit Sandra Bullock while seeking his spirit Clooney in this little look at floaty amnesiac space adventure ADR1FT.

ADR1FT is by THREE ONE ZERO and is out now for PC and PS4 (version shown) with an Xbox One version to follow later in 2016.

If you like these Quick Rinse videos you can find many more (plus a few other bits and bobs) over on the Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.


  1. Was the sound of your voice a feature of the headset or added in “post”? Either way it made the video much more immersive!
    Thanks for the introduction to this, definitely going on my Steam wishlist.

  2. It was actually pure serendipity, Ryan used his PlayStation headset and it came out sounding just perfect!

  3. It’s good to see gameplay. I saw the trailer on the PSN and it almost looked too good to be true. Though, I just bought Flower and Beyond Eyes on the sale that was going on this weekend. I should probably finish those before I buy something new.

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