Home » Bulletstorm – Cane and Rinse No.32
Cane and Rinse Vol. 1

Bulletstorm – Cane and Rinse No.32

“I’ll give you a mouthful of love, punk!”

Leon, Tony, Karl and Darren Forman don their muscle suits and slogan-daubed space armour while reloading their shotties one-handed and swearing as they return to EA’s 2011 blaster Bulletstorm. Is People Can Fly’s whiplash orgy as much fun as you can have with only a controller in your hand?

Music used in this issue:

1: Theme Tune by Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz and Michal Cielecki
2: The Brakes Are Out by Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz and Michal Cielecki

Cane and Rinse 32 was edited by Darren Gargette

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  1. Another solid podcast that was enjoyable from beginning to end. I keep forgetting to add comments and come back every once in a while to add my two cents worth 8)

    People Can Fly make solid FPS and Bulletstorm was another decent shooter. Still prefer Painkiller though!


  2. Thanks for popping by Travis. Don’t forget you can sign up to the forum if you want to get more involved.

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