Home » Cane and Rinse’s Leon on Joypod presented by SPoNG.com

Cane and Rinse’s Leon on Joypod presented by SPoNG.com

Thanks to David, Mike and Sean for inviting me on to pimp Cane and Rinse on their fine, long-running show. If you want to hear what I think about FIFA 12 this is the only place you can do so right now. We also talk about Gears 3, Renegade Ops, The Binding of Isaac, OnLive, 3DS and much, much more. Actually four idiots, one show.

Caned and Rinsed

Sean, David and Birthday Boy Michael are joined by long time friend of the show Leon Cox to talk about his new project Cane and Rinse. They also talk far too much about videogames this week. Sorry about that.


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