Home » Resident Evil 4 – Cane and Rinse No.2
resident evil 4
Cane and Rinse Vol. 1

Resident Evil 4 – Cane and Rinse No.2

“Better try a new trick ’cause that one’s getting old!”

Leon Cox is joined by Jay Taylor, Darren Forman and Joshua Garrity to worship and/or butcher this most sacred of videogaming ganados, Resident Evil 4. We explore the game’s protracted development, discuss where it fits – or doesn’t – within the BioHazard canon and consider what direction the franchise might take next.

Cane and Rinse 300 was edited by Jay Taylor (@JaySevenZero).

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Josh re-enters the world of action survival horror in the 2011 HD console re-release of Capcom’s 2005 GameCube stonker, Resident Evil 4:


  1. Can’t wait to listen to this.
    Here is the Wiki entry: http://caneandrinse.wikia.com/wiki/Resident_Evil_4

  2. Another great show guys. By happy coincidence we decided to play RE5 over the past couple of days and having never played an RE game before the timing couldn’t be better as my understanding of the game world had risen from pretty much nothing to knowing what you were talking about 😀
    Not that I’m suggesting you need to have played the games to enjoy the podcast but it certainly adds another layer to ones understanding.
    Here’s to Assassins Creed next week!

  3. Escort mission are never as fun as getting a real escort.
    Any game that have them are a hair pulling experience, but if done right with competent AI, then it can be fun. But I can’t remember any escort mission that I genuinely enjoyed.

  4. Always had the feeling that one of those early versions of RE4 eventually is what turned into Haunting Ground… Cause that’s really the only explanation I have for it being so similar, yet not being a game in the RE franchise…

  5. That’s probably quite a legitimate observation, it would seem a shame to waste those ideas and development time to not utilize at least something from them into another game.

  6. I hate to think how many times i’ve ran through this game, it’s amazing. More games need have a game+ to RE4 level, it takes a few times through to get all upgrades and that case in order but that’s kinda what makes it so damn fun. Every playthrough is rewarding till the point it’s too easy (see infinite rockets). To bad the newer R.E kinda suck

  7. It’s just a shame that this was the last really good Resident Evil game as the franchise really does lack a solid direction these days.

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