Home » GoldenEye 007 – Cane and Rinse No.200
Cane and Rinse Vol. 4

GoldenEye 007 – Cane and Rinse No.200

“For England, James?”

Because we failed to do it for issue 007, finally here it is for issue 200. That’s right, to polish off our fourth year of the podcast we uncover the mystery and magic of Rare’s much loved license, GoldenEye 007. Leon, Brian, Darren and Tony – along with a cartel of community contributors – reminisce about the innovations that the single-player added to the genre and the hours of fun that the split-screen multiplayer brought to the party. This being Cane and Rinse, we also discuss at length whether or not the game is worth returning to now, some 18 years on from its release at the time of recording.

Music used in this issue:

1: Nintendo Rareware & Opening by Grant Kirkhope and Graeme Norgate
2: Chemical Warfare Facility by Grant Kirkhope and Graeme Norgate

Cane and Rinse 200 was edited by Sean O’Brien

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  1. Leighton Axon-Tollington

    Do you guys have a link to the uncompressed soundtrack? been looking but can’t find it………..

    Awesome episode as always!

  2. Well done, that’s the baby.

    Thanks for the kind words, too.

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