Home » Gunpoint – Cane and Rinse No.145
Cane and Rinse Vol. 3

Gunpoint – Cane and Rinse No.145

“i borrowed this phone from a sex worker and i haven’t figured out how to do capitals on it yet”

Tom Francis’ Gunpoint is, by its author’s own admission, not the most appropriately named game ever released. However the former PC Gamer journo’s debut title is a well-received and well-worth discussing 2D stealth/puzzle/action game. Leon, James, Josh and Ryan discover the joys of trousers that can make you leap like a flea and take no fall damage, while our community correspondents celebrate the satisfying shenanigans provided by the ability to completely rewire a hostile office complex on the fly.

Music used in this issue:

1: ‘Round Gunpoint by Francesco Cerda
2: Cold Halls and Footfalls / Cold Halls and Footfalls (Crosslink) by Ryan Ike
3: Subterfuge Shuffle / Subterfuge Shuffle (Crosslink) by Ryan Ike
4: Main Theme (Melancholia) by John Robert Matz
5: Defenestraight to My Heart by Ryan Ike

Cane and Rinse 145 was edited by Ryan Hamann

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