Home » Killzone 2 / Killzone 3 – Cane and Rinse No.106
Cane and Rinse Vol. 3

Killzone 2 / Killzone 3 – Cane and Rinse No.106

“‘In and out within a month’ they said.”

Taking in all of Guerrilla’s now six-game PlayStation-exclusive sci-fi FPS series but focusing on Killzone 2 and Killzone 3. The subject matter may be grittier and weightier but the podcast isn’t, as Leon, Jay, Josh, Sean and members of the Cane and Rinse community discuss their quibbles with the single-player campaigns before settling back to fondly remember countless hours in the multiplayer Warzone.

Music used in this issue:

1: And Ever We Fight On by Joris De Man
2: Helghan Forever by Joris De Man

Cane and Rinse 106 was edited by Jay Taylor

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One Comment

  1. I actually quite liked the original Killzone but I left it about halfway through… then my dickhead mate completely bullshitted me that the last level was a full on battle like Star Wars Battlefront, I didn’t know I’d been had until the credits rolled. Still fond memories though!

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