Home » The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Cane and Rinse No.217
Ocarina of Time
Cane and Rinse The Legend of Zelda Vol. 5

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Cane and Rinse No.217


In which a panel of Leon, Darren, Karl and Leah Haydu consider what the fifth The Legend of Zelda title brought to both the series and videogaming in general. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time remains one of the best-reviewed games in the history of the medium, but how do we feel about the game some 18 years after its Nintendo 64 launch? As well as our own perspectives – then and now – of versions older and newer, we also hear from members of the Cane and Rinse community, including some heartwarming Ocarina of Time memories, some tales of inspiration provided by the game and a dozen Three Word Reviews.

Music used in this issue:

1: Title Theme by Koji Kondo
2: Zora’s Domain by Koji Kondo

Cane and Rinse 217 was edited by Sean O’Brien

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Here’s an additional 14 mins of conversation that didn’t make the final cut of the podcast:

The highest rated videogame of all-time (according to MetaCritic), emulated on PC (as you can see from the on-screen mouse pointer – apologies for that – and the ability to fast-forward):

Captured from Darren’s very own gold Australian PAL cartridge from the original Nintendo 64 release (hence the washed-out look – apologies for that):

If you like these Quick Rinse videos you can find many more (plus a few other bits and bobs) over on the Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.


  1. Hi,

    Just want to say keep up the good work. Searched for a while for a good game podcast and finally found one.
    I listen 1 podcast a day during work, keep me focus on my work.

    Thanks, keep doing what you are doing.


  2. Thanks Balthor, we’re glad you found us. There are lots of back issues for you to listen to anyway! 🙂

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