Home » Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath – Cane and Rinse No.21
Cane and Rinse Vol. 1

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath – Cane and Rinse No.21

“Steef! Steef! Steef! Steef!”

In which Leon, Tony and Darren Gargette attempt to establish whether Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath‘s hallowed reputation is justified, as well as delving into the history of Oddworld; from Abe’s days as a prestigious PSone platform star, through Munch’s brief time in the sun to Stranger and what the future may hold for Oddworld Inhabitants.

Music used in this issue:

1: Fighting Outlaws by Michael Bross
2: Quest Up River by Michael Bross
3: Into the Darkness by Michael Bross

Cane and Rinse 21 was edited by Sean O’Brien

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Here we are with another Quick Rinse, stranger! Apologies for the windowed mode. The game really didn’t like being recorded.:

If you like these Quick Rinse videos you can find many more (plus a few other bits and bobs) over on the Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.


  1. I am just listening to the podcast and no-one knows to much about munch’s oddysee. I loved the two Abe games on the playstation. From what i remember munch was going to be a launch title for the PS2. Then microsoft bought oddworld or the exclusive. So it came out on the xbox where it died. Which made me hate microsoft for the entire xbox life

  2. It’s definitely a strange one. I’m still tempted to check out Munch’s game On Demand just to see it for myself. Thanks for tuning in, Chris.

  3. Just a heads-up that the HD update is now live on GOG and free for existing owners of the game on PC: http://www.gog.com/gamecard/oddworld_strangers_wrath

  4. Great game but my least favorite in Oddworld, Munch’s game is amazing and worth getting into, can’t wait for the HD remakes of the other Oddworld games. Hope they come to xbox.

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