Home » Sound of Play: 104 – The videogame music podcast
Sound of Play

Sound of Play: 104 – The videogame music podcast

Welcome to our latest podcast dedicated to video game music – Sound of Play

What we aim to bring you with Sound of Play is a diverse sample of some of our favourite pieces from the many air-punching, spine-tingling, tear-jerking and grin-inducing videogame soundtracks we’ve heard over the years.

This show’s presenters were Ryan Hamann (@InsrtCoins) with Sean O’Brien (@Xer0Signal), along with community contributions by FollowMyRuin, Caligari, and macstat.

Track listing for this show is as follows:

1: Everything’s Going to Be Okay by Mick Gordon – Prey, 2017
2: Mining Melancholy (Metal Cover) by Ro Panuganti & David Wise – Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest, 2015
3: The Gardens by Mat Clark & Kenny Young – LittleBigPlanet 2, 2011
4: Nightless City Guara Bobelo by Michiko Naruke – Wild Arms 4, 2005
5: The Mark by Simon Viklund – Payday 2, 2013
6: Broken (Lucas’ Song Piano) by Matt Bonham & Tim Cotterell – The Sexy Brutale, 2017
7: Level 1 by Tim Follin – Silver Surfer, 1990
8: Greenpath by Christopher Larkin – Hollow Knight, 2017
9: And Ever We Fight On by Joris de Man – Killzone 3, 2011

Sound of Play: 104 was edited by Ryan Hamann (@InsrtCoins)

Remember, it’s not just about what we like, so venture over to our forum at caneandrinse.com and put forward your own suggestions so that we might include them in future shows.

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