Home » Sound of Play: 18 – The videogame music podcast
Sound of Play

Sound of Play: 18 – The videogame music podcast

Welcome once again to our podcast about our favourite videogame music – Sound of Play.

For many of us, it’s hard to think of almost any videogame without our minds conjuring up the music that accompanied it.

Over the decades they’ve evolved from simplistic monaural beeps and bloops to full orchestral scores recorded in 7.1 surround, but from their earliest days right up to today, soundtracks have played an integral part of our memories of the games we played, and the times in our lives when we were playing them.

What we aim to bring you with Sound of Play is a diverse sample of our favourites pieces from the many air-punching, spine-tingling, tear-jerking and grin-inducing videogame soundtracks we’ve heard over the years.

Of course it’s not just about what we like, so if you venture over to our forum at caneandrinse.com you can put forward your favourites and we’ll start to include a selection in the playlist for each show.

This show’s presenters were: Leon Cox, James Carter and Darren Gargette.

Community contributors were: Baron Phil, Sean Thomas and Duncan 2501.

sound of play


Track listing for this show is as follows:

Track 1: Birabuto Kingdom by Hirokazu Tanaka – Super Mario Land, 1989
Track 2: Prophetic by Neil Voss – Tetrisphere, 1997
Track 3: Stage 1 by Norio Nakagata – Burai Fighter Deluxe, 1990
Track 4: Liberi Fatali by Nobuo Uematsu – Final Fantasy VIII, 1999
Track 5: Main Theme by Barry Leitch – Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, 1991
Track 6: Intro by Hidenori Shoji, Sakae Osumi, Haruyoshi Tomita – Super Monkey Ball (USA), 2001
Track 7: Trailer Theme by Marco – Beyond Eyes, 2015 (TBC)
Track 8: The Edge of Soul by Benten-Maru performed by Suzi Kim – Soul Edge (Soul Blade), 1996
Track 9: Snowy Valak Mountain/Night by ACE+ – Xenoblade Chronicles, 2010

Sound of Play: 18 was edited by Jay Taylor.


  1. I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it before but at 18 episodes strong I’ve loved every one. Thanks for investing so much time into what I personally hold as a hugely significant aspect of video games. Now if only there was a way to put Akiman art into audio form and make an art of play episode.

  2. Thanks Mike, That Art of Play idea sounds like something that could be done with a video platform like YouTube or something. Could be neat if done right (albeit quite a bit of work to put together I’d imagine).

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