Home » Super Mario RPG – Cane and Rinse No.407
Cane and Rinse Vol. 9

Super Mario RPG – Cane and Rinse No.407

“A stranger you are… and strange looking at that!”

Just before Square got into bed with Sony, their relationship with Nintendo seemed to be firing on all cylinders. The two Japanese giants teamed up in an attempt to hit big with a 16-bit RPG in the West and the result, was Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Leon, Brian, Darren, Leah and community contributors jump into this strange interpretation of the Mushroom Kingdom and seek the seeds that were sown by Square and sprouted into two separate series’ on subsequent systems.


Music featured in this issue:

1. Fight Against an Armed Boss by Yoko Shimomura

2. Beware the Forest’s Mushrooms by Yoko Shimomura

Cane and Rinse 407 was edited by Jay Taylor

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