A duo of cartoon capers in this show with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1989) and The Simpsons (1991). Leon, Brian, Michiel and returning guest Ben Cartlidge quarter feed (well, except Ben) their way through Konami’s brace of brawlers as well as many happy memories from the ice rinks, chip shops, bowlplexes and “Frosty Putters” of the past from our faithful correspondents.
Music featured in this issue:
1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Title Theme Japan by Mutsuhiko Izumi / Miki Higashino / Kozo Nakamura
2. The Simpsons Staff Roll by Norio Hanzawa
Cane and Rinse 459 edited by Jay Taylor
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Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:59:39 — 82.3MB)
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